CloudPital #1 Hospital System brings along many features, some of them unique to the automated hospital processes. We bring you some of the key features HIS users have experienced and swear by.

CloudPital #1 Hospital System

What are the key features of the Hospital System ?
What are the key features of the Hospital System ?


As most of the processes in HIS implemented hospitals are automated and since software and servers are hardly ever known to slow down, speed is one constant feature of HIS. The communication between various interlinked departments, the reporting of various tests, the emergency as well as non-emergency communications etc. are speeded up because of HIS and the overall operational efficiency goes up by many notches.


Quick and easy access to all data that a particular login allows is a winning feature of hospital HIMS software . Hospitals generate a lot of data and lots of them are required to be stored, mandatorily as part of legal requirements. This data, which is at times required within seconds, is also crucial in making important treatment decisions. Quick and easy access to this data makes the decisions timely and increases the quality of patient care in the hospital.


Automated processes on HIS do not face the fatigue or stress of a human. Once coded and implemented HIS will be practically on autopilot thus further impacting process efficiency positively. With HIS implemented a test or service or drug rate will never be billed wrongly or missed in the hurry of billing quickly for patient discharge. Just selecting the name of the service, test or drug will automatically also select the rate and bill it to the selected patient ID ensuring you don’t leave money on the table

Error Free

Another feature that comes along with HIS is minimum human intervention, as most of the processes are automated. After the initial implementation, the processes will run on their own with just the minimum mandatory inputs from employees. This also ensures that there are minimum errors owing to employee faults. Also the manpower can be spared the mundane repetitive tasks and can be utilized in roles that require human intervention mandatorily. Like in a drug chart in IPD module, only entering the name of the drug once (when it is prescribed) is enough. It need not be entered everyday in the records. Just ticking the administration of the drug everyday is enough. The same will be reflected in the drug administration sheet, the sub store etc.


Lowermanual activity also means less need for supervision. As most of the processes are automated, the software is coded to perform each task in a certain manner based on the inputs the employee punches in. For example, when a report on bed ratio is needed; the software is coded to generate many reports based on the data that it holds on its server with a few clicks. The software will throw up the requested reports to help you track the metrics that matter to you most.


HIS comes with logins. Every employee who needs to work on the hospital system and E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia is given an individual login with access controls. Every task happens through logins, only. HIS gives the kind of accountability that manual processes never manage to give.

Cost Effective

HIS implementation means less storage space required, less stationary used, manpower can be utilized for other important activities. All these make HIS cost effective and with the improved operational efficiency and resultant quality patient care, it contributes directly to improved revenues.

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