برامج العيادة في السعودية – برامج طب الأسنان في السعودية – برامج المستشفيات في السعودية

تتكامل Cloudpital تمامًا مع قواعد وزارة الصحة السعودية بالإضافة إلى كونها متكاملة مع جميع شركات التأمين في المملكة العربية السعودية. يتيح لك برنامج CloudPital Clinic أو نظام إدارة معلومات المستشفى إدارة المستشفى في بيئة غير ورقية. ويشمل ذلك الإدارة السريرية والمكتبية والإدارة العامة لجميع الأنشطة. لديك أيضًا خيار دمج موارد المستشفى الكاملة في تطبيق برمجي واحد متكامل.

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يوفر نظام إدارة المستشفيات CloudPital حلاً عالميًا يناسب جميع أنواع الأنظمة الأساسية للأجهزة بما في ذلك الهاتف المحمول.


  • الحد الأدنى من متطلبات القوى العاملة.
  • استرجاع المعلومات الفوري.
  • قرارات العلاج الفعالة.
  • تبادل المعلومات بين المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم.
  • الوصول الكامل إلى الصور الرقمية عبر الإنترنت من خلال HMIS على شبكة الإنترنت.
  • توفير التكاليف للمروجين.
  • الوصول عن بعد لأصحاب المصلحة بما في ذلك المرضى.
  • تقدم CloudPital HMIS جدولة المواعيد عبر الإنترنت.
  • خيار الدفع عبر الإنترنت من خلال التجارة الإلكترونية لبوابات الدفع.
  • دعم معالجة المطالبات عبر الإنترنت للمرضى غير النقديين.

تقدم CloudPital HMIS أدوات إدارة مختلفة مثل EMR الذي يشبه مسار مراجعة الأطباء الذين يواجهون المرضى. يمثل السجل الطبي الإلكتروني (EMR) طريقة مبتكرة في المستشفيات لعلاج مرضاهم. يتضمن EMR التاريخ الماضي وتفاصيل وصفة الطبيب ورأي الاستشاري البعيد من خلال استخدام الأشعة عن بعد والتصوير الرقمي. ستحصل على جميع المعلومات الحيوية في النظام والتي يمكن استرجاعها بسهولة لاتخاذ القرار في الوقت المناسب.

الوحدات التي يقدمها نظام CLOUDPITAL HIMS

نظام CloudPital HMIS عبارة عن برنامج معياري ومرن وغير جاهز للاستخدام يسمح لك باختيار وحدات من متطلباتك. الوحدات التي تم تضمينها في HMIS لدينا هي:

  • إدارة التسجيل والاستعلام.
  • تعيين وإدارة قائمة الانتظار.
  • إدخال طلب الطبيب المحوسب (CPOE).
  • السجلات الطبية الإلكترونية (EMR) مع نظام إدارة الوثائق (DMS).
  • إدارة الحوادث والطوارئ.
  • إدارة الإدخال والإخراج والتحويل (ADT) للمرضى المنومين.
  • إدارة الصيدلة.
  • برنامج مختبر علم الأمراض.
  • نظام معلومات المختبر.
  • نظام معلومات الأشعة والطب النووي.
  • الأشعة PACS (امتثال DICOM).
  • جدولة وإدارة مسارح العمليات.
  • التمريض وإدارة الأجنحة.
  • إدارة بنك الدم.
  • معالجة طلب الخدمة.
  • إدارة خدمات الإسعاف.
  • إدارة تعداد الأسرة.
  • ضمان الجودة والمراقبة.
  • المخازن وإدارة المخزون.
  • نظام المحاسبة المالية.
  • إدارة TPA.
  • نظام إحالة المريض.
  • نظام إدارة الموارد البشرية والرواتب.
  • الخدمة الذاتية للموظف (البوابة).
  • إدارة أداء الموظف.
  • إدارة المخزون والمشتريات.
  • إدارة قائمة المناوبة.
  • العلاج الطبيعي والتأهيل.
  • إدارة النظام الغذائي.
  • قسم الإمداد المركزي المعقم (إدارة CSSD).
  • التدبير المنزلي وإدارة الغسيل.
  • إدارة النفايات الطبية الحيوية.
  • نظام المعلومات الإدارية (MIS).

تم دمج جميع وحدات CloudPital HMIS ولديها القدرة على مشاركة المعلومات وإكمالها في منظمة كاملة في الوقت الفعلي. ستقوم بأتمتة تدفق العمل وإدارة التخزين واسترداد المعلومات مركزيًا لتحقيق بيئة خالية من الورق.

نحن نقدم واجهة المختبر والأجهزة الطبية لإزالة التدخل اليدوي. يتم إنشاء الرموز الشريطية التي تُستخدم في مراحل مختلفة مثل وضع العلامات وتحديد المرضى وعينات المختبر وما إلى ذلك. يتم توصيل جميع المعلومات وتبادلها من خلال الكيانات الخارجية باستخدام معايير الاتصال الموجودة لأنواع البيانات المختلفة وأنواع الرسائل وتقنيات الاتصال .

CloudPital #1 برامج العيادة في السعودية is an Associate in a Nursing integrated software package that handles entirely totally different directions of clinic workflows. It manages the sleek attention performance beside the body, medical, legal, and financial management. That is a cornerstone for the flourishing operation of the healthcare facility.

CloudPital #1 برامج العيادة في السعودية

 برامج العيادة في السعودية: Features, Functions, and Benefits

What is hospital Software?

As long as each stage implementation should be correct and specific, the clinic management system provides sure automation of the various important daily processes. The برامج العيادة في السعودية covers the services that unify and modify the work of attention professionals to boot as their interactions with patients.

There is invariably the wide difference of choices that will be embowered among the system. Moreover, the foremost very important issue they are created to contour varied procedures that meet the needs of all the users. The emergency clinic the board framework highlight list is specializing in giving the easy mastery of patients, representatives, and clinic specialists. It’d seem that their expectations dissent, they still are lined by components of the برامج العيادة في السعودية. Quality and security still keep the foremost criteria of the medical trade. It’s collectively legendary for the constant and quick changes to spice up the efficiency of medical services and the satisfaction of the patients.

Emergency clinic the board has staggeringly adjusted within the course of the last few years. Business expertise, stylish technologies, connected devices, mobile apps, and data of attention are key elements for the implementation of برامج العيادة في السعودية system projects. The number of attention suppliers has increased and conjointly the patients have a decent difference of medical specialists. The interactions between the hospital and conjointly the patient are going to be simplified for the convenience of every facet. Each institution has the prospect to create an economical, clear, and fast-delivering attention model.

Depending on the برامج العيادة في السعودية choices, it’ll deal with different tasks. It helps to stipulate and implement policies, guarantee communication and coordination between employees, alter routine tasks, vogue the patient-oriented workflows, advertise services, manage human and financial resources offer} the uninterrupted offer chain. the weather of a hospital system is going to be chosen and combined among the overall system that meets the needs and norms of the eye trade to boot as quality standards. One altogether the foremost desires of the clinic management system is security. All medical records ought to be protected and alone accessible for the allowed users. The advantageous and instructive interfaces ought to relate to their jobs and obligations so as to watch classified information.

Since the aim of the برامج العيادة في السعودية is that the arrangement of necessary, precise, and acceptable data, the hospitals have to be compelled to certify the system work and should be accessed at any time. Net hospital management systems and desktop (on-premise) solutions are getable selections of the eye suppliers. This may be a unique system for the sure institution, chain of clinics, state hospitals, or even the international medical organizations. It’s generally started with the elemental version that will be scaled up.


They’re able to construct online solicitations or reservations, get investigate results, and obtain the interview of the clinical subject material specialists and tons of an excellent deal of. As mentioned above it was created for three groups of users: patients, hospital workers and management, and third parties like drug suppliers and insurance companies. The interaction between them conveys the ultimate performance. The benefits received by a certain cluster of users collectively fully influence the work of the others. Cooperation and communication are the basic desires here.

In order to create the برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية feature list, you’d wish to spot your previous ties by choosing the benefits that are previous for your case.

Improved Processes

Automation is one altogether the foremost edges here. It helps to optimize the user experience. Medical specialists, patients, and hospital authorities can act online, build the appointments, and exchange data.

Digital medical records

The hospital data includes all the obligatory patient data. The well-being history, take a glance at results, prescribed treatment is going to be accessed by doctors whereas not tons of delay therefore on kind Associate in Nursing correct identification and monitor the patient’s health. It permits lower risks of mistakes.

Staff interaction

It is important to possess interact with all of your employees for improved coordination and cooperation. They’re doing not have to be compelled to build special requests associate degreed sit up for an extended time for an answer. Each specialist is guilty of sure methodology stage and should share outcomes with colleagues merely in one click.

Facility management

Hospitals authorities are able to manage their on-the-market resources, analyze workers’ work, reduce the instrumentation amount, optimize the availability chain, etc. Another truth to mention is that برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية workers deal with digital data instead of endless work.

Financial management and tax planning

The management has the ability to look at entirely totally different financial operations in conjunction with expenses, profits, and losses, paying bills and taxes, in and patient asking. Financial awareness helps to analyze business prospects quite clear and move in the proper direction.

Market strategy

Due to the high market competitive nature, the medical trade is to boot hospitable all the assorted innovations that alter communication between patients, doctors, suppliers, and mercantilism services suppliers.

Insurance claims method

Integration with insurance services improves the experience of the patients and brings edges to the institution. It permits you to be innovative and helps every patient and برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية to handle many aspects of the insurance methodology successfully.

Less time-intense

As the services and interactions are improved in all getable ways in which within which, everything is being planned with larger truth. It saves the time of all the system users and provides them with up-to-date data.

Patient self-service

Patients have their own system accounts where the list of various actions is going to be performed. They are able to expand online solicitations or reservations, get the investigate results, and obtain the interview of the clinical trained professionals and tons of an excellent deal of.

Better consumer experience

Since the clinic management system is patient-oriented, the treatment methodology is going to be less trying. Specialists have longer for the assessment and communication with patients. To boot, all the requested data are going to be received online.


The برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية automates the clinic’s work and optimizes the use of resources instead of alone the storage and presentation of the information. It adjusts the inhabitance rates and works out the number of required representatives. Automation helps to manage the ultimate methodology, deals with the assorted attention services and instrumentation suppliers on its own, analyzes and sends notifications to the user. The aim of the hospital system is to manage the employee and patient activities remotely with immediate access for the authorized users. The patient-centric and well-managed company can guarantee a stronger work atmosphere for its or its employees.

When the patient has to possess a gathering, he might pick among a few selections. Firstly, you may notice the information regarding visiting hours on the medical specialists’ profiles and book a convenient time. Secondly, you simply dial the secretary WHO will check the doctors’ schedule for you and set your appointment. In every case, the doctor gets the information regarding the succeeding visit whereas the patient will get a reminder via SMS, email, or even receive the machine-controlled calls.

As for the medical specialists, the eye record management system that contains the patient data in one place permits tons of economical work for the workers. Automation accelerates the strategy of patient registration and filling out all the obligatory records. The doctors have the ability to examine the sickness history, take a glance at results, to boot as add new data to the patient file. The task of the doctor that previously involved associate degree excessive quantity of labor is going to be completely processed. Doctors pay longer on patients’ treatment rather than documentation. If one issue is requested throughout a written kind, they are able to print it.

Finally, the clinic authorities receive the machine-controlled management of all the interactions in their facility. The برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية can generate the analysis of workers’ work, financial expenses, and revenue set the ultimate priorities of the institution, and outline future directions.

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Call us at +966547315697 or contact sales@bilytica.com for demo. برامج العيادة في السعودية team will be happy to serve you.  

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برامج العيادة في السعودية in  Haql, Afif, Al-Abwa, Farasan, Al-Jaroudiya, Thadig, Al-Thuqbah, Al Wajh, Almardmah, Al-Zilfi, Muzahmiyya, Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Mousaed Economic City, Tharmada’a, Skaka, Um Al-Sahek, Sharurah, Tanomah, Bisha, Dahaban, Al Qunfudhah, Qurayyat, Saudi Arabia, Ha’ir, as Sulayyil, Al Lith, Turaif, Al-Gway’iyyah, Samtah, Wadi Ad-Dawasir, Az Zaimah, Safwa City, Jalajil, Harmah, Mastoorah, Hotat Bani Tamim, Jabal Umm Al Ru’us, Rafha, Qaisumah, Al-Ghat, Hajrah, Al-Hareeq. Excerpt: Jeddah (also spelled Jiddah, Jidda, or Jedda; Arabic: Jidda) is a Saudi Arabian city located on the coast of the Red Sea and is the major urban center of western Saudi Arabia مدينة الأمير عبد العزيز بن مساعد الاقتصادية ، ثرمادا ، سكاكا ، أم الساهق ، شرورة ، تنومة ، بيشة ، ذهبان ، القنفذة ، قريات ، المملكة العربية السعودية ، حائر ، السليل ، الليث ، طريف ، الجوي. عية ، صامطة ، وادي الدواسر ، الزعيمة ، مدينة صفوة ، جلاجل ، حرمة ، مستورة ، حوطة بني تميم ، جبل أم الروس ، رفحاء ، قيصومة ، الغاط ، حجرة ، الحريق. مقتطفات: جدة هي مدينة سعودية تقع على ساحل البحر الأحمر وهي المركز الحضري الرئيسي في غرب المملكة العربية السعودية. القيصومة ، الغاط ، الحجرة ، الحريق. مقتطفات: جدة هي مدينة سعودية تقع على ساحل البحر الأحمر وهي المركز الحضري الرئيسي في غرب المملكة العربية السعودية. القيصومة ، الغاط ، الحجرة ، الحريق. مقتطفات: جدة هي مدينة سعودية تقع على ساحل البحر الأحمر وهي المركز الحضري الرئيسي في غرب المملكة العربية السعودية


In the medical clinic, the executive’s framework coordinates the steady operating of everyday errands and cooperation. This can be often a special tool to support the sleek operative of the software package components that are important for the clinic administration. The medical clinic records the executive’s programming framework monitors all of the tasks, stores the clients’ information, plays out its examination, and creates the reports. The health center is given the prospect to assemble its data in one place. It includes the patient and doctors’ records to boot as a result of the knowledge concerning financial affairs, provide management, etc. moreover, it’s alone processed, classified, and accessible for authorized users. The برنامج إدارة المستشفيات في السعودية provides users with data security due to all rules. Implementation of varied functions empowers sleek and clear usefulness.

The برامج العيادة في السعودية tracks the number of procurable doctors and their operational hours. This allows you to possess the proper schedule of each employee, manage your facility skills, and conjointly the provide chain, therefore, satisfying all the needs of the patients. It helps to set up the appointments for every worker and patients’ convenience.

Any clinic has to be compelled to store medical histories, take a glance at results, prescribe treatments, etc. the good برامج العيادة في السعودية will try for you. All the most points’ are firmly kept for the access of the doctor and should be provided to the patients by their requests. They’ll receive the take a glance at results or medical reports by email or the user account. Once the written kind is required, printing will take alone a few minutes for the clinic workers.

Another operate is connected with managing finances. The برامج العيادة في السعودية estimates the patients’ payments. It’d inform the bank account where you may check performed operations and conjointly the asking standing of each consumer.

Moreover, the برامج العيادة في السعودية is capable of generating regular reports of the half-tracked data in conjunction with attention, employee efficiency, finances, inventory, and facility utilization, etc. This greatly helps the clinic authorities in making cheap policy choices. During this manner, any of these capacities are meant to form the power the board framework straightforward to utilize, exhaustive, incredible, and solid.


When the hospital considers applying this approach, it is necessary to search out the thanks to developing a برامج العيادة في السعودية. Planning and setting priorities are one altogether the very important stages. It outlines the functions and edges that the health center expects to induce at the final word purpose. The qualified developers generally advocate the list of the endorsed hospital management system project modules. They’re aiming to certify the economic administration of your health center.

Their might dissent looking on the clinic needs, however, it forever includes some basic hospital system modules.

Patient management

It is accustomed management patient flow. It’ll be accustomed register them, get the information of the patients’ health condition, browse the treatment and check the anamnesis and reports.

Appointment module in hospital management

In the arrangement module in the emergency clinic, the board masterminds the timetable of specialists because of the patients’ application. It helps to rearrange the provision of medical specialists at any convenient time. Some hospitals can even offer remote visits when you’d like immediate facilitate.

Facility management

The facility management module is answerable for chase and maintaining the world convenience, the occupancy standing to boot as varied kinds of body documentation.

Inventory management

The stock administration module controls the amount of facility stock. The complete provide chain is machine-controlled for the convenience of the workers that will admit the patients’ would really like 1st.

Staff Management

The staff management module provides the human resources administration. It updates the task description of employees, updates the hospital structure, and tracks the recruiting records.


The accounting module organizes the financial affairs of every customer and conjointly the sanatorium. It stores and presents all the patient installment subtleties, emergency clinic monetary records on costs, and large benefits.

Insurance services integration

The insurance module can record patients’ insurance details. It includes the policy vary, the underwriter, and information regarding their policies.

Laboratory and tests management

The lab management module shows the check results of the particular patient. The science laboratory info is viewed by the staff and generated for the patients’ reports. It’s typically integrated with various برامج العيادة في السعودية modules for the upper overall usefulness of the system.


Report management stores the already processed detailed information. This module helps management collect, analyze and take into account the performance info terribly} very comprehensive format. The business intelligence theme helps define problematic aspects and successfully eliminate them to remain the business profit additional the high shopper satisfaction level.


Taking into thought all the mentioned details, we’ll produce the conclusion that the برامج العيادة في السعودية is that the inevitable neighborhood of the lifecycle of the fashionable hospice. It automates varied daily operations and permits swish interactions of the users. Developing the hospital system package is also a pleasant likelihood to create the distinct, economical, and fast delivering aid model. Implementation of hospital management system project helps to store all the types of records, offer coordination and user communication, implement policies, improve daily operations, organize the supply chain, manage financial and human resources, and market hospital services. This beneficial decision covers the requirements of the patients, workers, and hospital authorities and simplifies their interactions. It’s changed into quality thanks to influencing the emergency clinic. Many clinics have already intimated their blessings and continue developing new hospital management system project modules.

Need to improve management in your hospital or attempt to introduce aid with a new package product? The برامج العيادة في السعودية is also a pleasant resolution for any hospice. If you’ve got some ideas and need assistance, welcome to contact CloudPital. We’ve got a bent-to-stand live academic degree outsourcing company with nice expertise in package development and are frequently ready to confirm the only approaches for your company. If you’ve got any queries, be at liberty to contact America via the contact kind or begin the discussion among the net website chat convenience. CloudPital square measure is glad to provide expert consultation and understand the solution for you.

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برامج العيادة في السعودية
برامج العيادة في السعودية
برامج العيادة في السعودية