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Selecting a Hospital EMR Software In Maldives is a tough decision and a significant planning task. There are several opinions while selecting Hospital EMR Software in Maldives. Some opinions go through the planning process and develop selection criteria they wish to use. Other go to by selecting an EMR Software and then conduct planning to support the selected EMR Software. The Best Hospital EMR Software should have following features


In medical industry, charts and graphs are everything. A famous physician Edwin Leap says that “EMR software that does not have charting in real time leads to burnout, inaccurate, stress and incomplete charts”. Because if charts are not prepared at the right moment, Doctors must chart in overtime or at home or come in on their off days to complete their documentation.

Cloudpital Hospital EMR Software Provide complete charting feature.


Every Healthcare industry has a set of procedures. Workflow feature of E-Clinic management software in Maldives can save time for current users and training time by knowing the order of operations and helps guide users through them. For example, you can automate reminder message for appointments and set remainders for phone calls to patients and sending test results.

Electronic Prescribing

Best Lab Management Software In Maldives Offer e prescribing. It enables you to print and transmit prescriptions electronically. You can also want immediate and automatic notifications of potential drug allergies and interactions.

Here are some key questions to ask while selecting EMR Software

  • Does EMR Software off communication between doctor and patient
  • What is the percentage of pharmacy are available to patients via the EMR Software
  • How did the EMR system integrate with Medical Record.

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