CloudPital #1 E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia automates various tasks such as scheduling appointments, storing patient database including their prescriptions, reports, billing and hosting it on cloud. Healthcare units and hospitals use this software to automate the tasks that were otherwise performed manually. Automation reduces the chances of errors to almost null.

CloudPital #1 E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia  

What are the Qualities of E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia ?
                                    What are the Qualities of E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia ?

What are the Qualities of E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia ?

E-Clinic software must meet specified security, technology and functionality standards for managing electronic medical records and practice management information (clinical data management) with integrated medical software, healthcare software, practice management software, laboratory information management system and Hospital ERP Software in Saudi Arabia .

Unlike a paper record, all members of the health care group can instantly access a patient’s medical record from anywhere, at any time, via a secure internet connection. An EMR may be owned either by the medical provider (doctor) or by the institution (hospital).

Electronic medical record (EMR) is also known as electronic health records (ehr) and medical software. They are often used interchangeably.

Key Features to Look for in a Clinic Management Software in Saudi Arabia

Appointment Bookings:

An essential feature of a clinic management software, it should allow to book appointments for physician checkups, equipment and rooms. Prior booking of equipment eliminated the chances of double bookings. These appointment bookings should be visible on a wide range of devices.


Billing for the treatments should be easy. The clinic management software should allow setting up variable pricing lists based on insurance policies and other charging parameters.

Secure Storage: Secure storage of clinical records along with the patient’s lab reports, X-rays, PDF’s, photos and other test reports should be possible.

Reports: The software should generate graphical reports about the required information. In case of patients, their demography, age, case history and billing details should be presented in a graphical format.


Integrating the software with a wide range of accounting, email marketing and data analysis software should be easy. For example integration with Hospital HIMS Software in Saudi Arabia . 

Mobile Application :

The software’s mobile app should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Important aspects such as accessing the patient information, fetching records and attaching documents, photos and reports should be done through the mobile app.

Benefits of Using a E-Clinic Software in Saudi Arabia

Paperless Record Management: 

The patient records are stored in a paperless centralized database. This prevents the wear and tear associated with paper records.

Speedy Access to Records: 

Patient records such as their history, test reports, prescription and billing data can be accessed quickly. Patient related information is at fingertips and can be fetched with a few clicks.

Easy Collaboration between Multiple departments: 

In cases where many doctors work on a single patient, the clinic management software allows seamless collaboration since the same document can be viewed by various doctors.

Enhanced efficiency

Fetching records and making bills become less time consuming since the whole process is automated. This saves time and efficiency of the staff.

Lesser Chances of Errors: 

With the E-Clinic software, chances of errors in storing records is null. There are less chances of inaccuracies in the entire process since manual tasks are almost eliminated.

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hospital HIMS software
hospital ERP Software in Saudi Arabia
E-Clinic SOftware
Dental Software in Saudi Arabia
EMR software